Saturday, December 13, 2014

From Anna Movement supporter to anti-AAP

There was a time when I had put Arvind Kejriwal's image as my profile pic. His huge fan and very inspired by his vision. He was like an advertisement of a blockbuster film. I verified his credentials and his work with whatever google and youtube gave him.

I do not follow anyone unless I hear and observe someone for long time and I keep tab on that person. What he talks and what he does. I hate double speak. So, I was like all Anna-Anna.

Such selfless people. Higher sacrifices. Social activism against some powerful  requires much self power.

So, Arvind Kejriwal made a political party. Nice move, I thought. But after forming party, mixed signals started to come. I became alert. On twitter, a campaign started -"Modi for PM, Kejriwal for CM".  AAP kept top twitter trends. Nice. Anything against corrupt power in Delhi and at center. But then someone did a sting operation against some AAPians and they were given clean chit, without any question. No sorry, no remorse. I watched the youtube video. It did not seem as clean as AAP claimed it to be.

Once you set expectation of truth, you cannot yourself lower the morale. AAP started to campaign more against BJP rather than congress. This started to confuse me a lot. The fight was against the corrupt power. Well, anyhow election happened. AAP got a chance to form government. I was very happy Arvind Kejriwal was becoming CM. The guy who was pulled and dragged is now taking oath.

Then I watched a youtube video, where he asks Dr. Harshavardhan to bring proof against Sheila Dixit. That was it. The very moment was the eye opening moment for me. Just to remain in power, you change your principles. You forgot your ground, from where you came from. And then it started, what I feared.

Dharna after Dharna. Those 49 days of Delhi rule , news were headaches. Very immature steps. You cannot bring development by these childish attitude. You cannot forgo electricity bill of those people who supported you during your campaign. Thats not development mentality. Thats Bengal communist mentality. The mentality that has put Bengal in middle ages. And then there was a sudden resignation and I was like good riddance.

He did not even let go the government building once he resigned. That did not show Anna Movement mentality. That showed "Eat When Get Chance" mentality.

The nail in coffin came when he announced his candidature against Narendra Modi. Why not Sonia Gandhi ?? or Rahul Gandhi ??? He would have bolstered his fan following, if he had done so. The movement was against corruption. But you stood against a CM whose state had highest GDP, when a total aggressive against power was in power. It was a time, I totally shifted to Modi camp from loosing APP camp.

In era of google, connected travelling world, Arvind Kejriwal was trying to fool India by providing political mimicry. He lost all respect what he had. He is just like any other power hungry congress, BJP, CPI, etc.. political aspirants. AAP chime against Ambani, Adani, etc shows how immature anti-business views they have. It is like Mamta Di saying No to Nano and Namo taking Tata to Gujrat to drive employment there.

I do not claim that Modi is perfect or BJP is perfect party. Nothing is perfect in life but it is always comparision in life that you go with. Modi drives positiveness. Leader is one who shows path and does not create blockade. I have listened to his several Youtube channels and all has positive energy in them. Looking at track history of Gujrat and reading twitter handles of Government offices, I feel changes are coming. The PM has majority on Lok Sabha but not yet in Rajya Sabha. So right now, changes will not happen fast enough. But I am confident, we will be in a far better position than Delhi had in 49 days drama or 10 years to x years of misrules.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

#Uber India: Banned or not to be banned

Recently a Uber driver was involved in a Delhi rape case. Following the arrest of the driver, the Uber service in Delhi and at other places in India has been banned. So does that makes sense to ban the company from operating ?

One side: Once the company is banned from operating, it affects other hard working employee. Also, it is kind of regressive to avoid everything.

Second side: Security of people is at-most important. With recent findings, the background check on driver was not proper. The taxi was not loaded with needed tracking tools. It was less on regulations.

So how big is the problem ? I do not think anyone knows about it. So the solution ?

1. A temporary ban to the service, till all regulations are met. All background checks of drivers are done.

With so many drivers and so many female travelers, you do not want any other untoward accidents happening again. An occurrence of same incident from same company will be shocking from any perspective, let alone be administrative.

Also, since background checks were not proper, and with recent militants attacks in Kashmir, you have let an open loop-hole for the miscreants.

2. Making regulators more responsible and a regular certifications of private companies that operate public transport. An online database of drivers, certified by police, will certainly help the business process and security at same time.

3. It is impossible to morale every person using a security guard. People have to be careful of their surroundings. Also, a social upliftment of thinking is needed. On one hand, people do not want to regulate vulgarity in media and in open, in name of free speech. Even school children get exposed to vulgar movie advertisement posters pasted on neighborhood walls. Society has to make the basic right. Blaming the government alone and walking using candle is just a reactive approach. There is a problem people. There are many small things that can be done and government does not need to be in every private space.